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Kunst und Architektur - Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße

Yeah, when it comes to art and architecture, Vienna is definitely worth seeing. But what I found especially fascinating about Austrian architecture is the connection and 'cooperation' between nature and new technologies. There are many furnicular railways that make access to the beauty of the nature easier, f.e. for families with children or disabled persons.

Today I would like to focus on the highest mountain road in Austria - Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße.

The idea to build a road in Hohe Tauern National Park on 2504 m was born in 1924 but at the begining no one believed that architects are really going to create something like that, since not many people had private means of transport and Austria was still suffering from economic catastrophy after the First World War.
A few years later, in order to give job to unemployed, the government revived the project and decide to carry it out.
Finally, it was opened on 3 August 1935. Soon it became more popular and beloved by visitors that anyone suspected.

the opening of the Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße

Today's view
The name Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße cames from Großglockner - the highest mountain of Austria (3798 m). It is possible to climb to the top while traveling on Hochalpenstraße; just leave your car by the roadside and enjoy the nature!
Although the road is not longer than 50 km you can spend there a whole day (or maybe even more), since there are many tourist attractions, some of them made for educational purposes.
Straßenwärterhaus Piffkar
It is mountain shelter, where you can find exhibition presenting the history of the road.

The museum of Alpine nature. 

1,6 km long road to the highest point of the Großglockner-Hochalpenstraße. You can leave your car for a while and enjoy wonderful view.

Fuscher Törl
The second viewpoint. You can leave your car in the parking place and take a walk to the Törlkopfes (2455 m).

Geologische Lehrpfad
Educational trail. Here you can find out more about geology of Alps and Hohe Tauern.

You've already took a ride on mountain slopes. But what about a road THROUGH the mountain? I definitely reccomend the 302 m long tunnel.

Tower made of glass and wood in the shape of cristal. You will find optical equipment inside and you are welcome to use it in order to look for wild animals that live in Hohe Tauern.

Fuscher Lacke
A small mountain lake near the road. Perfect place for a little walk - it takes only 10 min. to get aroud the lake. Later, you can try local cousine in Gasthof Fuscherlake that is right next to the lake.



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